Welcome to the Online Art Portfolio of Shannon Parish, Cartoonist, Illustrator, Graphic Recorder
Shannon Parish, Cartoonist, Graphic Recorder, Illustrator and Speaker
Speakers cartoon resources

Graphic Recording compliments your workshop or seminar live with cartoons and keywords in a free-flowing form on posters for your clients audience retention and recall. Powerful tool! Big hit with listeners and executives.

Cartoons for your presentations, handouts, workbooks and marketing materials.

Illustrations for your books, products.

Authors and writers artwork resources

Graphic Recording is an amazing tool to help you flesh out your thoughts, business and marketing plans with a one-on-one session.

Cartoons and Illustrations for your books, educational materials, brochures, banners, posters and marketing materials.

Clipart, illustrations and cartoons for businesses

Graphic Recording for your board meetings, employee training, brainstorming sessions. Maximize retention and recall!

Cartoons and Illustrations for your employee and customer communications, capital fund raising, marketing materials and as gifts for special clients.

Clipart and illustrations for non-profit associations

Graphic Recording is a wonderful way to enhance your employee and audience participation and understanding. It enhances any conference or event by making it a memorable experience.

Cartoons and Illustrations for your books, educational materials, brochures, banners, posters and marketing, and fund-raising materials.


Call Shannon Parish (720) 295-7409