Welcome to the Online Art Portfolio of Shannon Parish, Cartoonist, Illustrator, Graphic Recorder
Shannon Parish, Cartoonist, Graphic Recorder, Illustrator and Speaker

Artwork for Non-profit Organizations

Communicating your message through illustrations and cartoons . . .

Educational materials, church bulletins, flyers, brochures and posters are just some of the tools a non-profit will use to communicate its vision and mission in their community.  I understand that non-profit budgets are often limited, or non-existent.  Contact me for special pricing for your special needs.

Fund Raising Working with Children

Educational material through visual learning

There are eight stippled prints of children available at this time for fund raising projects, as well as discussion towards unique artwork complementing your organization or ministry. Call me at the number below to discuss options.

Newsletter Cartoons Bulletin Clipart

I'm also available to speak at schools.

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All images on this website are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.

Call Shannon Parish (720) 295-7409