Custom Clipart Pricing

Line, Grayscale or Colored Custom Clipart

This image collage illustrates what you can expect regarding how your illustration will be colored or not colored. This is not a full interior book illustration but is only for the purpose of visualizing the coloring of an illustration.

$50 per illustration

Save when you order more than one illustration ...


  • 2-3  / 10% = $45 per illustration (Save $4.50 ea.)
  • 4-10 / 20% = $40.00 per illustration (Save $10.00 ea.)
  • 11-25 / 30% = $35.00 per illustration (Save $15.00 ea.)
  • 26-50 / 40% = $30.00 per illustration (Save $20.00 ea.)
  • 51 or more / 50% = $25.00 per illustration (Save $25.00 ea.)