Life Coaching helps you to connect the "dots"
Together, we'll clear away the clutter in your mind, find new perspectives, and develop solutions that are both creative and effective.
Complicated issues, events, and emotions are a part of life.
Overcomplicating these challenges is a result of hidden trauma.
What you can’t see, others can and will use it against you – or for you.
Coaching is ensuring you are heading in the right direction, and with the right support system.
SIMPLE isn’t always EASY!
When we try to manage by ourselves the default behavior is to complicate matters.
Coaching helps you each step of the way.
WEEKLY ENCOURAGEMENT - Choose one or all. Once a week.
Each of the once-a-week newsletters is unique and topic focused.
All are provided to you at no cost for encouragement, support, and education.
Life Coach

It Begins with You
Obstacles in life and business are often self created with negative belief systems and/or toxic relationships. Understand why and break free from these limitations that hinder freedom.
Inside a Child's Mind

My Page a Day
Creative Life Coaching for parents who desire to understand the genius of their child while having fun with artistic activities and ColorBooks.
Creating a Life

Creative Virtual Office
Practical solutions to achieve the goals you have set and obtain the dreams you desire. Virtual office support, WordPress Websites, Cartoons, Illustrations and more.
501 (c3) Nonprofit
Home Support

Living Stones Center
We educate leaders, and individuals on how to recognize trauma, in themselves and in those they serve; in order to understand the hidden dynamics that often undermine personal and organizational success.
Community Support

Circles Journey Groups
Group coaching and community support.Your journey is your own and is respected, in this loving and supportive setting online and in person.
Women Leaders Support

Sarah's Tent
A safe, loving environment focused on learning and growing while healing from the unimaginable pain that comes with ministry work - and failures. Weekly encouragement that helps Healers heal.